Saturday, July 28, 2007

Egads where has the time gone???

Have NOT been good about keeping this up. In addition to being so incredibly busy at work, I was having some health issues. After nearly every heart test possible they have concluded that it is my asthma rearing it's ugly head after 10 years of being off meds. They put me on an oral med as well as 2 inhalers. I hate the fact that I have to be on the meds, but I have been feeling better every since I have been on them. Getting enough O2 really helps those little grey cells.
I owe some swaps in my deco groups and am pleased to say that I am chugging along on them. If I owe you something-it IS coming!!!
I am also working on some atcs, 4x4s and 3x3s to trade as well as a couple of board books. I had a goal to finish 2 canvasses this summer and have accomplished that. They are in my office at work where I can enjoy them. I will be doing photos of everything as I finish and hopefully posting some new stuff soon.

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