Saturday, November 17, 2007

No photos to share at this time, but even better!!! How about 25 free images to download and use in your art? Lisa Vollrath is offering 25 days of free images-one each day til Christmas. Here's the link:
Hope you enjoy her stuff. I sure do. Karen

Friday, November 2, 2007

Gearing up for the holidays

Getting ready for the holiday season. As usual, I will be working on Thanksgiving day. I request that holiday. I like to cook a nice hot meal for our clients who do not have family or who cannot get to their families. This year I will be doing a brunch with a casserole, fruit, OJ, muffins and whatever other goodies I can manage to come up with by then.

The images are of atcs I have made for a swap. Some of them were to go to another group's swap, but the group was closed. Thank goodness another group offered a similar swap, so I am in business. Then on yet another group there was another swap and I signed up for that one, too. I may need to make ALOT for that one, but we will just have to see. I'm not too crazy about trees and just have a little Charlie Brown tree, but I love the creation part........

Friday, October 19, 2007

Just some extras

On the 8th I took my sis-in-law, her 2 older girls from her 1st marriage, and my niece Kennise. She is 14 months old and a little rip. The first photo is of her when she was trying to get the goat to come to her. Second is Nissy with her mom Zilphia {Z}, and the last one on the top is her strapped into the swing with her pumpkin. She was not happy. The bottom photos are Nissy and her oldest sister senovia.
The very last photo os Snickers-the newest member of the family. Emily is putting a $100 bill in her mouth to take her photo with it. Teenagers!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Harvesttime

It is the harvest season again. I love the fall, but it is murder on my allergies. I still like to get out in the brisk, cool weather, though.
I have been busy making art!!! I am in several swaps and unless I am under a deadline, it seems like I cannot get myself to do a darned thing. Once I get going, however, I really fell the muse taking over.
This is one I made for a friend at work. Her daughter had tried to get pregnant for years and a couple weeks ago, they were given the gift of Analise. They know thery are blessed and she will be loved.
The tree sits next to my desk at work. I have been adding hangers to the 4x4s I have been making. These were made over a series of days. I love the fall colors. I hope you can see the 4x4s better with the other photos.
In here are also a couple of challenge pieces I did for MMAN. The theme was Gothic Arches. I want to add some stuff but I am really ticked that I cannot choose where the photos end up on the posts. Or if you can choose, I haven't figured it out. No big surprise there. So NExt time.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Last of the board book pages

I definately do not blog often enough to remember how to do all this stuff. These are the last 2 pages from the board books. That's my Eiffel Tower in the background. One of my fetishes.

These are from the board book swap in a yahoo group I'm in. The backgrounds are kitchen foil and alcohol inks. The greenish pages are dyed paper towels and the remainder are my very fave technique. Textured tissue paper. This is generally the background I use on canvass. Takes days to get the canvass done.
I started on a few of the pages before I could get the photos taken.....The smaller book with the rounded top is for my partner. The other one is for me. I try to make 2 of things like this cause I always have that "Awww, I want this!" when I make stuff hopefully this will dispell all that

Altered Board Book

More pages from the board book. 1st photo is Em on the left and her friend Sarah. I'm not so great at this.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Egads where has the time gone???

Have NOT been good about keeping this up. In addition to being so incredibly busy at work, I was having some health issues. After nearly every heart test possible they have concluded that it is my asthma rearing it's ugly head after 10 years of being off meds. They put me on an oral med as well as 2 inhalers. I hate the fact that I have to be on the meds, but I have been feeling better every since I have been on them. Getting enough O2 really helps those little grey cells.
I owe some swaps in my deco groups and am pleased to say that I am chugging along on them. If I owe you something-it IS coming!!!
I am also working on some atcs, 4x4s and 3x3s to trade as well as a couple of board books. I had a goal to finish 2 canvasses this summer and have accomplished that. They are in my office at work where I can enjoy them. I will be doing photos of everything as I finish and hopefully posting some new stuff soon.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

This is Tinkie-Tinkerbelle-aka Tink, Stinkie Tinkie......She is one of Sadie's kittens. With both Spencer and Sadie gone, I decided to keep one of her kittens. One is already gone-months ago to a home and Benny and Tink remain. Benny has a home-if Barb does not come get him soon he will be delivered to her door. Tink will be a good housecat when he is gone. He is just too rude. I plan to have her spayed next month and she can come and go as she pleases. She loves to be held and rolls around when she is happy. Takes some talent to hold a rolling kitten in your arms while typing......Her fave spot when I am home. I miss the other 2 terribly-they were like kids-and it is good to be owned by a cat again.

Happy February

Happy February.
I can hardly believe that January is over. Where did the time go? It passed before I realized mainly because I have yet to have my annual planting pansies dream. For the past 10 years or so, in late January, I dream about planting pansies. I plant 40 or 50 of the little buggers every summer. I also plant violas. Their little faces are so sweet. I press them to use in art work as well as just enjoying them. For me it signals the start of cabin fever. Then I start looking for Wal-mart to put up the garden center. Our winter has been quite mild this year. We have had some chilly days, but now we are in the -20 below wind chill for several days. I expect the pansies to show up in my dreams any time now......
I did this 6x6 calendar page for February as a tribute to all the sweethearts.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Bonne Annee
This is the ATC I did for friends and family to give instead of Christmas cardsEveryone I gave them to really liked them. They are always wondering what I do with all that glue and secret is out.